Natural ways to Improve your Digestion

Within the confines of our digestive system lies an intricate community known as the "gut microbiome." This conglomerate of diverse bacteria types wields a dual role—safeguarding against disease and nurturing our overall health. Yet, within this collective, each of us boasts a distinctive bacteria composition, akin to a personalized thumbprint etched in our gut. Cultivating a flourishing 'good' bacteria colony can wield transformative power over our well-being.

So, how can you harness the potential of your digestive health to elevate your overall bodily harmony? Here lie the pivotal tenets:

Cut the ‘Glue'

Modern diets abound with stubborn substances that challenge digestion—none more notorious than gluten, ubiquitous in grains. Sugar, dairy, and for some, egg whites, join the ranks of common irritants. The first step towards better digestion entails an overhaul of your dietary habits. Embrace unprocessed, natural foods, enriched with fibre and complex carbohydrates, for many this might mean ditched bread and other forms of processed carbohydrates.

Nourish with Prebiotics

Much like all thriving entities, bacteria require sustenance. Their preferred source? Fibre that maintains its fibrous essence upon reaching the large intestine. Raw onion, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke, leeks, raw oats, apple, underripe banana, and cocoa—these are the champions of prebiotic nourishment.

Cultivate Probiotics:

Probiotics, the esteemed guardians of our gut's optimal functioning, thrive in traditional diets through fermented foods. Sauerkraut and yoghurt have etched their place in the European culinary landscape but you can also delight in other sources of natural probiotics like Kimchi, pickles, Kombucha, and kefir. You can also opt for a good quality probiotics in a capsule form, which you can find at most health food stores.

Revitalize with Bone Broth:

An age-old elixir, bone broth emerges as a staple across ancestral diets. Boiling bones in water and vinegar yields a treasure trove of proteins, minerals, and collagen. Collagen, in particular, bolsters the gut's lining, serving as a bulwark against food sensitivities and unwarranted inflammation.


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