Chiropractic in Pregnancy

When a woman falls pregnant she enters a new stage of her life that is no longer about herself but also focuses her care and attention towards the life of her unborn child. Here are three reasons why Chiropractic Care is essential during pregnancy.

1. Intelligence and Connection

Chiropractic care ensures optimal connection between the brain and the body. Your brain regulates every process on the inside and outside and is especially important when it comes to adaptation and growth, which happens at a massive rate when you are pregnant.

2. Pelvic Alignment and Easier Birth

Your pelvis will become more lax and movable from the very start of your pregnancy; which can cause havoc in your lower back and spine. A 1991 study showed a 24% reduction in average labour time for first-time mothers who received Chiropractic care, and 39% reduction for women who were delivering for the second or third time and another study shows that analgesics during delivery was reduced by half in pregnant patients under regular Chiropractic care.

3. The Womb

The broad ligaments of the womb attach to the pelvis. Very simply put, when your pelvis is rotated, it causes a slight torsion and strain on your womb and makes it more uncomfortable for your baby to move, which might mean that the baby might lie in a breech position. Look for a Chiropractor that is Webster Certified and is able to adjust your pelvis and uterus to allow for optimal movement of the baby.

It is an honour to help families through this exciting time in their lives. Nothing is better than finding out what a couple is expecting and then watching them go through the growth of their family and meeting the whole new person that they have created!


Where the Magic happens: The Brain


"Rewilding": Why disorder is good.