"Rewilding": Why disorder is good.

We live in incredibly organised towns and cities, we have roads and intersections and landscaped parks. Everything makes sense to our modern minds. We plan our lives by schedules and agendas, we are woken by alarm clocks and have apps and gadgets that tell us when to sleep, when to eat and when to exercise, but we still yearn for nature.

When we go into a forest that has not been interfered with by man, we might see a lot of disorder around us. Some plants and trees will be growing, some might be dying and others will be rotting away. The only paths seen will be crooked ones made by animals that are following the easiest routes around trees and boulders. This might not make sense to us until we allow ourselves to be still and see the sacredness of it. For new life to start, other parts need to rot and decay.

The thing is, WE ARE NATURE. Did you know that your heart rate varies a little bit, it is called Heart Rate Variability and low variability (meaning too much order) will increase your chances of having a heart attack or having a shorter life span?

White Blood cells need to fluctuate in amounts and the different kinds for your immune system to be healthy. The human body and human nature are not meant to be systematised and in perfect order all the time, it is this 'disorder' that makes us more resilient and adaptable. Nature can be such a good teacher about the hidden harmony, the sacredness of our bodies and what it does, without us being aware of it, and in these beautiful long days of summer we encourage you to explore our beautiful natural surroundings and learn to be ‘wild’ again.


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