Bliss-cipline: How to create happiness

Have you ever given it a thought that working on your mental health is just as important as working on your physical health… knowing the power of our minds, it might be even more important. We have put together a couple of practices you can do to improve your state of happiness, or bliss, in other words.

Practice Gratitude 

Gratitude rituals are still one of the top things that highly successful people like Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, and Richard Branson perform on a daily basis. Studies have shown that people that regularly say ‘thank you’, especially for the small things in life, tend to be happier, have better brain function and better relationships with others. In the most simple terms, a gratitude ritual means that you think about something that you are grateful for. Most people recommend thinking of at least three things, mostly the simple and mundane (like have a warm bed to sleep in) and not repeating the same things every day.

Flow Journaling

Writing out those nebulous thoughts are one of the best ways to literally unload your mind and create peace and order in your day. The act of simply writing down everything in your head is called ‘Flow Journaling’ or ‘Morning Pages’ and are best down first thing in the day. These pages are not meant to make sense, they are just for you! 

Connect with Nature 

We live in such a beautifully natural part of the world but can so easily forget about what lies beyond our backyards and our connection with the earth. Studies show that nature relatedness is responsible for the willingness to give to others, indicating that these experiences facilitated a willingness to promote others’ interests as well as one’s own. You might feel that your body needs more love and care during times of increased stress. As chiropractors, we know that high levels of mental stress will cause a more subluxated spine. Make a point of not skipping your regular adjustments, workouts, meditations and healthy diet that keep you in tip-top shape.


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