How You Can Help Your Body Stay Younger For Longer


It is no surprise that studies done comparing groups of physically active people versus inactive people show a decreased early mortality rate of between 30 and 40% in the active people. This is because regular exercise increases blood flow and growth hormone production and decreases inflammation and insulin resistance. The best type of exercise to increase longevity is High Intensity Interval Training (short, intense bursts of training with periods of rest in between) as it allows the heart to adapt to stress, improving Heart Rate Variability (HRV).


The body is unable to produce its own Omega 3 fatty acids, so it has to be sourced from our diets. The best source is found in oily fish, grass fed meat and algae. This helps repair cell membranes, decreases the risk of certain cancers and alzheimers, and decreases fatty liver and inflammation . Great sources of fatty fish are cod liver, salmon, sardines and mackerel.


Sleeping for less than 5 hours a day can decrease your life expectancy by 12%! But the quality of your sleep is also important. If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you have a decreased quality of sleep. The best way of improving the circadian rhythm is by light exposure. Make sure that you get natural sunlight on your eyes and skin in the morning, this means no sunglasses and no screen time before light exposure). At the end of the day, limit unnatural light from electronic devices and lights, you can use blue light blocking glasses and dim the lights in your house to achieve this. Sleep in a dark room. When we sleep our bodies have a chance to recover and repair itself, when we are sleep deprived our T-fighter cells go down, making us more susceptible to germs. We also get a better fever response when we sleep, fevers are a very important part in fighting infections and for our health in general.


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